What To Expect

Location & Service Times

We worship at 55 C Line in Orangeville. There are two unique services every Sunday beginning at 9:30 am and at 2:00 pm. There are also special services for Good Friday, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.


There is a large parking lot along the side and back of the building.

What To Wear

Those who attend our church typically dress neatly. Men wear dress pants with a buttoned shirt, or suits. Women wear skirts, dresses, or dress pants and blouses.


Ushers are located at the entrance to the sanctuary and will be able to assist you with seating, provide you with a Bible, Book of Praise for singing and a liturgy sheet to follow along with the worship service.

What To Do With My Children

There is a nursery available with babysitters during both services.

Children, aged four and older, typically sit in church with their parents and participate in the worship service.

What The Service Is Like

We have two services every Sunday which follow the same pattern. The services include singing, prayer, Bible reading, a sermon based on a Bible passage, and an offertory. The pattern of a church service is called a liturgy or order of worship. A copy of the liturgy to follow along with will be available from the ushers.


If a baby has been born recently to a family in our congregation we may celebrate the sacrament of baptism. This would be done during a worship service by reading a form, asking the parents questions pertaining to their beliefs, and sprinkling the baby with water.

Lord’s Supper

We regularly celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Celebrations occur on the third Sunday of February, April, June, August, October, and December, in the morning worship service. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated with our members and any guests previously admitted by the consistory. A form is read to remember what Jesus has done for us, to examine our hearts and remind us how to live until He returns. A visible sign of this remembrance is that the members of the church eat bread and drink wine as symbols of Christ’s body and blood poured out for us.