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Sunday March 30, 2025
9:30 AM

Sunday March 30, 2025
2:00 PM


Confession of Dependence
The Lord’s Greeting
Singing: Ps. 92: 1-3 **
Ten Words of the Covenant
Singing: Ps. 101: 1-3
Reading: Joshua 23
Singing: Ps. 78: 2,4 **
Text: Joshua 23
Joshua’s final sermon: Enjoy your rest in the Lord
1. Living Memory
2. Present Obedience
3. Expected Faithfulness
Singing: Ps. 85: 3,4
Offertory: Needy
Singing: Take My Life and Let It Be: 1,3,5 **
The Lord’s Blessing

Confession of Dependence
The Lord’s Greeting
Singing: Ps. 118: 1,8 **
Reading: John 21: 1-19
Singing: Ps. 963: 2,3 **
Text: Doctrine of God’s Word Summarized and Confessed: Lord’s Day 17
The Living One, having tasted death, is the cause of Life forever more. The church is made:
1. right
2. holy
3. perfect
Singing: Hy. 36: 1-4
Confession of Faith: Hy. 2 **
Offertory: Needy
Singing: Ps. 16: 3-5 **
The Lord’s Blessing

** Indicates the Congregation Stands if able