Sermon Archive

Bible Text: Genesis 14 | Preacher: Rev. M. VanLuik You want to be rich: seek the blessing of the Lord God. 1) Political intrigue. 2) Abram’s role. 3) Melchizedek’s role.…
Bible Text: The Teaching of God’s Word about his Word as summarized in Article 7 of the Belgic Confession | Preacher: Rev. E. Kampen All that we must believe in…
Bible Text: Numbers 11 | Preacher: Rev. E. Kampen The account of the anger of the LORD at Kibroth Hattaavah serves as even greater warning to us, on whom the…
Bible Text: The Teaching of God's Word about his Word as summarized in Articles 4-6 of the Belgic Confession | Preacher: Rev. E. Kampen The B I B L E,…
Bible Text: Exodus 17:8-16 | Preacher: Rev. E. Kampen The victory over Amalek impresses on us how our salvation is completely from the LORD We see it in the manner…
Bible Text: Genesis 13:3-18 | Preacher: Rev. M. VanLuik To Live is to be Connected to the Gospel Promise. 1) Our worship. 2) Our choices. 3) Our blessings. Reading: Genesis…
Bible Text: Daniel 10:1-11:1 | Preacher: Student J. DeHaan The certainty of God’s victory leads to strength and courage. 1. Daniel pleads for revelation. 2. God responds with a majestic angel. 3.…
Bible Text: James 3:13-18 | Preacher: Student J. Chase True wisdom will be recognized by its fruits 1. What false wisdom looks like 2. What true wisdom looks like Read:…
Bible Text: Joshua 2 | Preacher: Student J. DeHaan Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 1. Rahab loses her life by forsaking her people. 2. Rahab…
Bible Text: Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 22 | Preacher: Dr. T VanRaalte | Series: Heidelberg Catechism Jesus Christ carries us up the steps of life, one step at a time,…