The second petition is, “Your kingdom come.” March 5, 2023 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord's Days 48 and 49 | Rev. E. Kampen
John’s vision of life in the new Jerusalem: a vision of the blessedness of eternal life (Part 2) March 5, 2023 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Revelation 21:22-22:5 | Rev. E. Kampen
The Lord Jesus instructed us to begin our prayer with the words, “Our Father in heaven.” February 19, 2023 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord's Day 46 | Rev. E. Kampen
John’s vision of life in the new Jerusalem: a vision of the blessedness of eternal life February 19, 2023 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Revelation 21:22-22:5 | Rev. E. Kampen
The new Jerusalem: a vision of the one, holy, catholic, apostolic church in all her beauty and splendour. February 12, 2023 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Revelation 21:9-21 | Rev. E. Kampen
The rules for redeemed living should lead us to pray for forgiveness and renewal February 5, 2023 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord's Day 44 | Rev. E. Kampen
God’s trustworthy and true word is: Behold, I am making all things new February 5, 2023 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Isaiah 65:17-25 | Rev. E. Kampen
In the eighth rule for redeemed living, our God teaches us how to be stewardly January 15, 2023 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord's Day 42 | Rev. E. Kampen
We are comforted by the vision of the judgementbefore a great white throne. January 15, 2023 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Revelation 20:11-15 | Rev. E. Kampen
In the seventh rule for redeemed life, our God calls us to protect and promote a healthy view of sexual activity January 8, 2023 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord's Day 41 | Rev. E. Kampen