Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus Christ impresses on us he is the Saviour of the world December 25, 2018 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Matthew 1:18-25 | Rev. E. Kampen
Infants of believers must be incorporated into the Christian church by baptism December 16, 2018 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord’s Day 27:74 | Rev. E. Kampen
Holy Supper signifies and seals that we share in the one sacrifice of Christ on the cross December 9, 2018 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord’s Day 28-29 | Rev. E. Kampen
The backstory of Jesus’ birth prepares us to see how born of the virgin Mary, Jesus is the Son of David, son of Abraham December 9, 2018 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Matthew 1:1-17 | Rev. E. Kampen
IN THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, WE ARE A NEW CREATION December 2, 2018 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Galatians 6:11-18 | Rev. E. Kampen
Holy Baptism signifies and seals that the one sacrifice of Christ on the cross benefits us December 2, 2018 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord’s Day 26-27:73 | Rev. E. Kampen
Jesus declares that those who abide in him will bear much fruit November 18, 2018 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord’s Day 24/ Belgic Confession Article 24 | Rev. E. Kampen
Whatever one sows, that one will also reap November 18, 2018 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Galatians 6:6-10 | Rev. E. Kampen
For God’s glory, our comfort, and faithful witness to the world November 11, 2018 (Sunday afternoon) Bible Text: Lord’s Day 23 | Rev. E. Kampen
To keep in step with the Spirit, we should seek to restore those caught in any transgression in a spirit of gentleness November 11, 2018 (Sunday morning) Bible Text: Galatians 6:1-5 | Rev. E. Kampen