January 22, 2017

Jesus Testifies to the Surprising Faith of a Canaanite

Passage: Matthew 15: 21-28
Service Type:

Audio Only

Greeting our Triune God by confession of dependence
Greeting from our Triune God
Singing: Ps. 62: 1,4
Reading: Genesis 32: 22-32; Matthew 23: 1-12
Singing: Ps. 66: 1,7
Text: Matthew 15: 21-28
Sermon: Jesus Testifies to the Surprising Faith of a Canaanite
1. The woman’s great need and Jesus’ silence
2. The woman’s petition and Jesus’ reply
3. Jesus’ testimony and his gracious reward
Singing: Ps. 66: 8
Confession of Faith: Hy. 1
Singing: Hy. 46: 1,2,3,4
Blessing from our Triune God